Michael GosneyCo-Conspirator
    Michael Gosney is a publisher, digital media pioneer and thought leader in humanistic technology, conscious evolution and regenerative culture.


    Michael Gosney is a pioneer in Information and Communications Technology, having produced groundbreaking desktop publishing and multimedia products in the 1980s, and a variety of digital media projects and events in partnership with firms such as Apple, Kodak, Toshiba, Peter Norton and Microsoft. He is an expert in new media design and marketing, online media delivery, interactive content development and user experience, and collaboration and community platforms. In parallel to his work in technology, Gosney has produced many influential books and events on the shift to sustainability, and has served on the board of architect Paolo Soleri’s ecocity research project Arcosanti since 1995.


    Based in San Francisco, Gosney founded the Green Century Institute on sustainable communities in 2003, and the Techné Verde project on collaboration platforms under fiscal sponsor Buckminster Fuller Institute in 2010. He produced the talk radio podcast Eco Evolution 2012-13 with leaders on the frontier of eco-evolutionary change. His 2013 TEDx Talk, “Designing the Control Panel for Spaceship Earth” provides background on the shared vision of Information and Communications Technologies facilitating an evolutionary shift and the genesis of the Techné Verde project.

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